my niece started "cutting" herself at the KH.
My niece also cuts herself. from the therapy she has received so far it is apparently tied to the sexual abuse she suffered at the hands of her filthy father. May he suffer forever.....
hi, just an update to my pervious thread.
i have left several messages with aps to report the elder abuse of my father in law by his wife.
my niece started "cutting" herself at the KH.
My niece also cuts herself. from the therapy she has received so far it is apparently tied to the sexual abuse she suffered at the hands of her filthy father. May he suffer forever.....
here we go again... i never mention anything about the meetings or study articles or associating with other jws in emails to my mum so i think she suspects that i am not attending my local kingdom hall (which is true).
so the line in her most recent email isn't suprising - i hope you'll be attending the memorial on the 22nd of this month.
the thought of what i could reply is giving me a dangerous itch!
I had not attended in a couple of years. Last year was the first time my wife did not attend...EVER. She is very sick. I ended up going last year because my Father in Law needed a lift as his Pioneer abusive wife was taking several sisters and studies in her BUS. I wore jeans a bolo tie and a cowboy hat. I sat there and endured the funny looks.
This year my father in Law needs a lift again and I am going to take him but not go in. WAIT, he told my wife (his daughter) that he knows how sick she is but that he would like to see her attend. So now she is all fired up and wanting to go. Ugh.....I don't know how much more of this manipulation I can stand! I love my Father in Law. He has been very good to me. And when my Dad died, he became like a father to me. My wife loves him and hates to disappoint him. I may just drop them off at the door like usual then say I could not find a seat! LOL
It is hard on many of us, because we are either afraid of being shunned or like me, afraid to hurt my family. Fading is one thing I would like to not do. I would prefer to just take off like a yanked bandage....But I love my family as I am sure you do. We are here for you to listen, so feel free........
but she was told by an elder to put up and shut up as she had been told not to marry him in the first place , when she told her jw mum of the abuse, my friend was counselled for causing trouble in the congregation and in future not to discuss it with anyone !!!!
My Sissy went through almost an identical set of circumstances. The retarded bastard broke her back and raped her and their kids. He was a hypocritical turd that screamed that he was jehovah to the family, did drugs and boozed way too much, then nagged people for watching Rated-R movies. My Sissy finally left him and took the kids. She filed for divorce in another state and they all reported his rapings and abuse to the cops. He was caught a few weeks after my Sis left him in hte apartment of a disabled sister...NAKED. Fat, Lazy, Inbred, Stupid, Wanna - Be - In - Charge, Stinky, mis-shapen, ugly Maggot. He died a couple of years ago as the police were closing in on him. What I find even funnier is that he was broke when he died so the cong cremated him at their expense, then a few weeks later they found out he was about to be disfellowshipped in another hall. HA HA HA HA HA!!
this has been a bit of a tough week.
yesturday i learnt about the death of my friend ricki - he was only 22. i was totally shocked and still can't believe it - i just saw him on friday (he died on sunday).
the reason for his death - drug overdose.
This has been a tough week for you, Lou. I will be praying for his family. So sad for a young person to die.
this is kind of a secondary thread to the one i started about my conversation with my mom the other day about the bethel thing with my older brother !
so, my mom starts talking with me about my dad 82, an elder in the congregation for 53 years being drained and exhausted , and stressed as he has no help in his book study he conducts !
as some of you know , my sister, who lives near my parents just had a stroke , and my mom and dad have been having to help her out with her house, feed the cat while she is in physical therapy - and drive down an hour one way to see my sister in physical therapy , a lot to do for them being 80 and 82 !
I know how your dad feels. I hope I can be an active and important person in my community when I am 82! No one likes to let go of the reins. I can see how it can be stressful on him. I have never been an elder. Nor a ministerial either. But I have been a business owner and employer, and a group leader at work. Responsibities are for those that can handle stress without getting sick. I also saw how an elderly brother was used by his kids in a congregation in New Mexico. The two older boys were servants then. The dad had retired, but in order to keep things going their way, they kept their dad in as an HONORARY elder so he could aswing the vote to favor the two sons.....I hope he can let go and enjoy this time in his life with no stress.
when i switch on my laptop at home, the first site i go to is jwd.
when i get into work, i make myself a coffee and go back to my desk and check out jwd.
sometimes, when i am standing in a queue or waiting for someone and i am not near either of my computers, i will browse on my cell phone.
An addiction can be very different from an interest or a hobby. I would say it is not healthy if you were missing work, neglecting your personal relationships, or not bathing.....
my 25 year old sister just called me with some big news...her of the annointed as of last december.
i'm having trouble processing this.
Suddenly, everybody is going to start thinking that maybe, just maybe, they, too, are annointed. Boy!
Ya, they are going to have to have a roach coach out in back of the hall makin Matzos...Besides the BARREL of wine they are going to have to tap in the 2nd school room! LOL Maybe this is a good reason for the society to buy huge quantities in Maniscewitz stock! LOL
i am on another rant and have to apologize.. when i was a teenager the overlords were called to my house by my folks because i had some posters of rock and rollers and some molly hatchet artwork on my walls.
the overlords told me that i would be destroyed at armageddon if i didn't get that stuff off my walls.
i would also have trouble with demons too, before my destruction at armageddon.
I am on another rant and have to apologize.
When I was a teenager the overlords were called to my house by my folks because I had some posters of rock and rollers and some Molly Hatchet artwork on my walls. The overlords told me that I would be destroyed at Armageddon if I didn't get that stuff off my walls. I would also have trouble with DEMONS too, before my destruction at Armageddon. This booshit went on for weeks and weeks until I came home from school one day and found that the overlords had come and with my folks prayed and removed my posters and burned them in the fireplace. They actually burned so apparently there were no DEMONS residing within my Molly poster! They never even said anything after. Maybe they were waiting for me to say something, but I bit my tongue.
Well, back when I was living in Sacramento, there was this lovely young couple that had the BS in their home. He was an up and coming asskisser ooops I mean ms. He was the regular reader and up the conductors butt 24/7. He was a nice enough guy, though and he and I spoke about going feral pig hunting out by the coast. What always bugged me about this BS location was that right on the bookshelf with all of the theocratic show pieces were a couple of really gorgeous idols. One of Amon Ra and another of Isis. When I asked about it they said they were a wedding gift depicting the couple. They told me they were only idols if they were in the following form: Osiris, Isis, and Horus. Apparently Amon Ra was the sun and not part of the principle trinity of Egyptian religion.
When I tried to make some sense of it they said not to worry and all was fine.
Anyone one else ever see this sort of hypocritical BS regarding idolatry?
hi, just an update to my pervious thread.
i have left several messages with aps to report the elder abuse of my father in law by his wife.
That is a heartbreaking story. I am so glad your aunt was able to show her the love and respect she deserved.
Do what you have to do. Take matters into your own hands. I wonder how much abuse like this really goes on within the witnesses? I've heard more stories like this.
I am sure there is lots of it going on. My mother in law actually throws fits and cusses like a mexican street walker. Once she hit my wife when I was out of town. My wife is very, very sick. She stayed with them so I could tend to my mom who had taken a nasty tumble where she lives (200 miles away). Well the MIL puitched a fit because my wife could not get up from bed to eat. She went after her and yanked hetr out of the bed and started to slap her. Then she went and called the cops on her so they could throw her out. When the cops came they threatened to take my mil to jail. My wife should have pressed the charge. Her dad said he would have backed her up on it.
When I got back I saw bruises on her arms a week old. When I asked what happened she told me and I got up to call the cops. By God if she was not going to press the charge I would. When they came out they said that since I did not witness the attack and my wife had declined to charge her I could not do anything about it. The law has nothing to do with justice is what I am learning. And those idiotic elders that met with your mom and grandma are as bad as the one's here.
someone posted, "where is spellcheck?
" i have a trick i learned a couple of years ago when i got onto some bbs.
most boards do not offer a spell checker.
Google bar up top that says ABC check. So, now, if I remember, I click on that before I submit my post. Does you have that option?
I don't have the google toolbar but that sounds like an excellent reason to get it!